Monday, March 31, 2008


·      Original fine art at a fraction of the cost

·      The prestige of being a patron of the arts

·      Cost-effective, targeted marketing

·      Easy setup and maintenance-free

·      100% Tax deductible


Good corporate citizenship has increasingly included being a patron of the arts. By supporting individual artists through the Gypsy Creek Art Sponsorship Program you are demonstrating to both your clients, and the community-at-large that you care about more than just your bottom line.

However, art sponsorship also makes good business sense. The program allows you to rent original fine art for your offices at a fraction of the retail cost. 

In addition, you are identified as a sponsor through inclusion of your business name, logo, and website information in our promotional materials.

As a demographic, collectors of fine art have higher than average levels of education and disposable income.  If your target market includes this demographic, why not let art sponsorship assist you in reaching this group? 

The Gypsy Creek Art Sponsorship Program can be individually tailored to meet your corporation’s needs.  For further information, please contact Ken Dunn at